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Edinburgh Fringe Festival Shows

Father Time
Two Gentlemen of Verona

The Seckford Theatre

All's Well That Ends Well
Blue Stockings
Caucasian Chalk Circle

Possibly my favourite shoot to date. 


Father Time is fairytale show based on two of the Grimm's Brothers tales: Gambling Hans and Father Time. This trailer was used for the promotion of the show on it's tour to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2015.

Incredible shoot, the dedication from the cast was phenominal.


Rosemary is a verbatim piece of theatre based on the life of Fred and Rosemary West. This dark play looks at the media coverage of the West's case and offers up an account from the view point of Rose West.  This trailer was used for the promotion of the show on it's tour to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2013


I have worked with Chris Tuck for 5 years now and he has never failed to deliver high quality and professional work. He is incredibly multitalented, creating exciting, vibrant marketing videos. He captures our theatre productions with a meticulous eye for detail, and creates trailers that portray our work at it's very best.


What has always impressed me the most is the way he works with our students. They come to him with manic ideas of film work they want to have included in their theatre performances and somehow he just makes it happen. He brings to life this extra dimension to the stage, that compliments the onstage work beautifully. He is never intimidated by any project we throw at him whether it's trailers, theatre filming or film as part of a production he attacks it with the same vivid imagination and we are always happy by his end creations.


Chris is an amazing, creative videographer, I wouldn't work with anybody else.


Rachel Edwards, 

Theatre Manager, The Seckford Theatre

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