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Keep Calm and Employ me

Woodbridge School

Concerto Concert
Speech Day 2015

Speech Day is the Woodbridge School's annual awards ceremony. Held every year in September it highlights individual success both academic and extra curricular throughout the school. I feel priviledged that Woodbridge have invited me to film their ceremony for the past two years now.It is a momentus occasion and I have thoroughly enjoy being a part of it.

As part of the work i do for Woodbridge I get to film incredible concerts such as this one. The Concerto Concert is held annually as a summer event that highlights some of the outstanding music work achieved through out the year by the students at Woodbridge. This one was no exception, the students out did themselves. A wonderful evening.

The video below was part of a marketing campaign created by Luisa de Oliveira and myself. Luisa is a university graduate from Brazil who was searching for employment post graduation. She came to me for assistance and of course I was going to help however I could. 

We decided to create a video that advertised her abilities to potential employers. She also walked around London with a billboard and handed out CV's on trains to and from London. As proof that putting in the effort gets results, I am proud to say that Luisa gained interest from an employer and was sponsered to stay in the UK.  The story made the ITV news and the Times Online news site. 

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